Kickstarting bottom-up infrastructure in low-income marginalized communities using locally available sustainable materials

About Us

Housing the next Billion

Pop-Up Housing is addressing the global need for sustainable housing solutions by providing low-cost, easy-to-install housing kits for the urban poor, migrant populations, and social relief organizations.

We believe in lightweight, adaptable, community-centered design solutions as a way forward to a more sustainable housing future.

white red and blue concrete building


Health and Sanitation
Community Spaces

Nearly 50% of India's population lives in slums or migrant communities without access to adequate housing or basic amenities like clean water or electricity.

Inadequate housing and community infrastructure directly impact the health of these communities. Blue tents and shanty construction leave residents exposed to weather, insects, parasites, and viral infections.

These communities lack infrastructure for upward mobility -schools, training centers, health clinics, and livelihood spaces. Without these essential facilities, slum residents and migrant families often fall prey to the poverty trap.


Lightweight Frames
Recycled Panels
Volunteer Network

We use recycled slotted metal angles for our frames, due to the unparalleled strength:weight ratio. They are affordable, readily available, and endlessly customizable. No special skills or tools required.

The roof and walls are finished with high-performance, low-cost recycled composites. These come from plastic bottles, tetra-pack materials, and even waste paper. Water proof, fire-retardant, and eco-friendly.

We love our volunteers. They love how easy it is to make friends while building a functioning house with basic materials. We host Build Days and a variety of volunteer programs for students and DIYers.

Projects we are focusing on

Incremental Housing

Because our housing frames are lightweight yet durable, we offer affordable solutions for residents in slums or low-income marginalized communities to build livelihood spaces or extra rooms on their rooftops.

Migrant Housing

Without access to suitable transit housing, migrant families are forced to live in unsafe conditions that affect health and family income. We are working to upgrade their housing without asking them to pay any more.

Community Structures

Through partnerships with local NGOs, we provide community infrastructure for children's education, livelihood training, public health services, and other community amenities.

Bunkbeds and Furniture

Sleeping off the floor does more than help with a good night's sleep. Children in slums and migrant communities who sleep on the ground are especially vulnerable to bacteria and infections such as cholera.

Our partners 

Here's what people are saying

”Every day, they strive to improve their service to the clients by developing the right blend of technology and creativity to make sure every job done is done as efficiently as possible.”

- Clarice Turner

”Every day, they strive to improve their service to the clients by developing the right blend of technology and creativity to make sure every job done is done as efficiently as possible.”

- Brian Moten

”Every day, they strive to improve their service to the clients by developing the right blend of technology and creativity to make sure every job done is done as efficiently as possible.”

- Joyce Gould

It all starts with four walls.

Help us on our mission to kickstart bottom-up infrastructure at the Base of the Pyramid. From health and wealth to safety and dignity, it all starts with a home.